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List of all variables

This index contains every variable that appears in the source code for Lander, grouped by category. A variable is defined as a labelled memory location that is used for storing data, and this list includes both variables that are defined in workspaces, and variables that are declared within the body of the source code.

3D objects

objectBuildingObject blueprint for the building
objectFirTreeObject blueprint for the fir tree
objectGazeboObject blueprint for the gazebo
objectPlayerObject blueprint for the player's ship
objectPlayerAddrThe address of the object blueprint for the player's ship
objectPyramidObject blueprint for a pyramid
objectRockObject blueprint for a rock
objectRockAddrThe address of the object blueprint for a rock
objectRocketObject blueprint for the rocket
objectSmallLeafyTreeObject blueprint for the small leafy tree
objectSmokingBuildingObject blueprint for the smoking remains of a building
objectSmokingGazeboObject blueprint for the smoking remains of a gazebo
objectSmokingRemainsLeftObject blueprint for the smoking remains that bend to the left
objectSmokingRemainsRightObject blueprint for the smoking remains that bend to the right
objectTallLeafyTreeObject blueprint for the tall leafy tree
objectTypesA table that maps object types to object blueprints

Copy protection

absoluteAddr (!RunImage)The address of the start of the Absolute file
gameCode (!RunImage)The unencrypted game code
gameCodeAddr (!RunImage)The address of the game code
gameCodeEndAddr (!RunImage)The address of the end of the game code

Drawing lines

lineJumpJump table for drawing a horizontal line of between 0 and 17 pixels using the relevant entry point in DrawLineSegment

Drawing the screen

greyColourWordsAn unused table of grey four-pixel colour words
greyColourWordsAddrThe unused address of the unused table of grey four-pixel colour words
screenAddrThe screen address for the start of the 17th pixel line in the current bank (i.e. the line just below the two rows of text)
screenBank1AddrThe screen address for the start of the 17th pixel line in screen bank 1 (i.e. the line just below the two rows of text)
screenBank2AddrThe screen address for the start of the 17th pixel line in screen bank 0 (i.e. the line just below the two rows of text)
screenBankNumberThe number of the current screen bank (0 or 1)

Graphics buffers

bufferJumpThe jump table for drawing commands that we store in the graphics buffers
graphicsBuffEndAddr2The addresses of the tables containing the graphics buffer addresses (same as graphicsBufferEndAddr and graphicsBufferAddr)
graphicsBufferAddrThe address of the table containing the addresses of the graphics buffers
graphicsBufferEndAddrThe address of the table containing the end addresses of the graphics buffers
graphicsBuffersThe addresses of each of the graphics buffers (these values do not change)
graphicsBuffersEndThe end addresses of each of the graphics buffers (these values get updated as objects are drawn into the buffers)


landscapeConfigThe configuration data for each tile row in the landscape
landscapeConfigAddrThe address of the landscapeConfig table
landscapeOffsetThe offset we apply to the on-screen landscape to push it away from us and to the left, so the visible tiles fit nicely on-screen
landscapeOffsetAddrThe address of the landscape offset

Maths (Arithmetic)

divisionTableDivision lookup tables
divisionTableAddrThe address of the division lookup table
randomSeed1The first random seed for the random number generator
randomSeed2The second random seed for the random number generator
squareRootTableSquare root lookup table
squareRootTableAddrThe address of the square root lookup table

Maths (Geometry)

arctanTableArctan lookup table
arctanTableAddrThe address of the arctan lookup table
sinTableSine/cosine lookup table
sinTableAddr The address of the sine/cosine lookup table


mouseParametersThe parameters for OS_Word 21,3 for resetting the mouse position
mouseParametersAddrThe address of the OS_Word block for resetting the mouse position

Score bar

fuelBarColourA four-pixel colour word for the colour of the fuel bar
initialFuelLevelThe fuel level at the start of each new game
initialHighScoreThe high score when we first load the game
initialScoreThe score at the start of each game

Start and end

memoryTestAddrThe memory location to check to ensure we have enough memory for the game
stackAddrThe address of the game's stack
stackPointerOnEntryStores the stack pointer from when the game was run
workspaceAddrThe address of the game's variable workspace