.DropRocksFromTheSky LDR R4, [R11, #currentScore] \ Set R4 to the current score minus 800 SUBS R4, R4, #800 MOVMI PC, R14 \ If the result is negative then the current \ score is 800 or less, so return from the \ subroutine without dropping any rocks \ If we get here then the current score is \ greater than 800, so we randomly drop \ rocks from the sky STMFD R13!, {R14} \ Store the return address on the stack BL GetRandomNumbers \ Set R0 and R1 to random numbers MOV R0, R0, LSR #18 \ Scale R0 to the range 0 to 16383 CMP R0, R4 \ If R0 >= R4 then return from the LDMHSIA R13!, {PC} \ subroutine without dropping a rock, so the \ chances of a rock dropping from the sky on \ each iteration of the main loop increases \ with higher scores \ If we get here then we drop a rock from \ the sky, spawning the rock at coordinates \ (R0, R1, R2), which are set to ROCK_HEIGHT \ tiles above and PLAYER_FRONT_Z tiles \ forwards from the camera coordinates, \ which is very high in the sky above the \ ship's current position and one tile in \ front of the ship LDR R0, [R11, #xCamera] \ Set R0 = xCamera MVN R1, #ROCK_HEIGHT \ Set R1 = ~ROCK_HEIGHT \ = -(ROCK_HEIGHT + 1) LDR R2, [R11, #zCamera] \ Set R2 = zCamera - PLAYER_FRONT_Z SUB R2, R2, #PLAYER_FRONT_Z BL DropARockFromTheSky \ Drop a rock from the coordinates in \ (R0, R1, R2) by spawning it as a \ particle, albeit a very big particle with \ an associated 3D object LDMFD R13!, {PC} \ Return from the subroutineName: DropRocksFromTheSky [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Particles Summary: If the score is 800 or more, then randomly drop rocks from the sky by spawning them as particlesContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * MainLoop calls DropRocksFromTheSky
Subroutine DropARockFromTheSky (category: Particles)
Drop a rock from the specified coordinates by spawning it as a particle, albeit a very big particle with an associated 3D object
Subroutine GetRandomNumbers (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Generate pseudo-random numbers from the random number seeds
Configuration variable PLAYER_FRONT_Z = (TILES_Z - 5) * TILE_SIZE
The distance along the z-axis between the tile in front of the player and the camera, which is where we spawn explosions and falling rocks (set to six tiles forwards from the camera)
Configuration variable ROCK_HEIGHT = TILE_SIZE * 32
The height from which we drop rocks from the sky (32 tile sizes)
Configuration variable currentScore = &124
Our current score, which is displayed at the left end of the score bar
Configuration variable xCamera = &13C
The 3D x-coordinate of the camera position (though note that the camera position is actually at the back of the on-screen landscape, not the front)
Configuration variable zCamera = &144
The 3D z-coordinate of the camera position (though note that the camera position is actually at the back of the on-screen landscape, not the front, so the camera's z-coordinate is larger than it would be for a more traditional camera position; it is more like the camera's focal point than position, in a sense)